

CHF 116.00
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CDX-D0892-G100100 gCHF 116.00
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Product Details
Synonyms 2,3-DHN; 2,3-Naphthalenediol; 2,3-Dihydroxy-naphthalin; 2,3-Naphthalindiol
Product Type Chemical
Formula C10H8O2
MW 160.17
CAS 92-44-4
RTECS QJ4750000
Purity Chemicals ≥98% (HPLC)
Appearance White to faint beige powder or crystals.
Solubility Soluble in DMSO or methanol (1mg/ml).
Identity Determined by 1H-NMR.
Declaration Manufactured by Chemodex.
Other Product Data

Click here for Original Manufacturer Product Datasheet
Our product description may differ slightly from the original manufacturers product datasheet.

Smiles Oc1cc2ccccc2cc1O
Shipping and Handling
Shipping AMBIENT
Short Term Storage +20°C
Long Term Storage +20°C
Handling Advice Keep under inert gas.
Very hygroscopic.
Use/Stability Stable for at least 2 years after receipt when stored at RT.
MSDS Inquire
Product Specification Sheet
Datasheet Download PDF

2,3-Dihydroxynaphthalene (2,3-DHN) is a naturally occurring catechol. 2,3-Dihydroxynaphthalene (2,3-DHN) can be used as a building block, starting material or reagent in organic synthesis to create more complex chemical compounds. The hydroxyl groups in 2,3-DHN can undergo various chemical reactions, such as esterification, oxidation, or substitution reactions, to produce a wide range of derivatives. 2,3-Dihydroxynaphthalene displays the ability to function as either an electron donor or acceptor in redox reactions. It also serves as an electron transfer agent in enzymatic reactions. 2,3-DHN and its derivatives can be used in the synthesis of dyes and pigments. 2,3-DHN and its derivatives have been shown to inhibit certain enzymes and have potential anti-tumor properties. 2,3-DHN is a metal chelators.

Product References

(1) J.C. DiNardo, et al.; Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 78, 163 (1985) | (2) P.K. Tarafder, et al.; Talanta 41, 1345 (1994) | (3) R. Shiman, et al.; J. Cell Biol. 236, 24637 (1994) | (4) S. Bhownik & U. Maitra; Chem. Commun. 48, 4624 (2012) | (5) J. Feng, et al.; Dalton Trans. 41, 8697 (2012) | (6) L.M. Laglera, et al.; Anal. Chem. 85, 2486 (2013) | (7) M. Burton, et al.; Bioorg. Med. Chem. 26, 4841 (2018)

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